- Pages are static “one-off” type content like your about page, privacy policy, contact page, and more. While the WordPress database stores the published date of the page, pages are timeless entities.
- Pages are usually prepared by the web designer or administrator.
- Posts are used to create blog content, articles, and other content listed on your blog page. They’re shown in reverse chronological order so that the newest content is shown at the top of the list.
- Posts are usually prepared by Editors and Authors with the role granted by the administrator.
- Our site is open to the public. Anybody can access and view the site content.
- Visitors can contact the site management via the contact form provided on the site.
- Currently, visitors’ comment on the post is not allowed.
- The Administrator handles the whole design and structure of the site.
- Editors and Authors can edit, publish and modify pages and posts.
- Editors and Authors need to log in with registered ID and PW to edit the content.
- This log-in process is hidden and closed to the public for security purposes.
- It is important to understand the basic layout of the page.
- The layout is prepared by the web designer and administrator.
Top Header
- Usually prepared by the web designer or administrator
- Main header: Logo, Main Menu, Social or Search
- Top Bar: Additional information or alert
Top Slider
- Eye-catching image slider to present company identity.
- Usually shown on the first landing page.
- Can use more fancy and versatile images or video but they will reduce the speed of landing.
Page Title
- Except for the landing page, the page title will be shown instead of the top slider
Content Area
- Content display area
- Colors, fonts, and styles are defined by the web designer.
- Additional information and quick links
- Copyright information
Editor Role
- You need the editor role to edit a post or page.
- After you log in, you will see the new top bar(not visible before logging in) with menus for editing.
Page Builder
We provide two kinds of the editor, a built-in Gutenberg, and a classic editor.
1) Built-in page editor
- This is WordPress built-in page editor, Gutenberg block editor.
- It is quicker than other page-builder plugins like Elementor.
- This is useful to design a page layout and add fancy styles.
- You need basic knowledge of how to use the Gutenberg block editor.
I picked up two instruction videos from YouTube for quick learning.
2) Classic Editor
- Classic editor is familiar to most people and easy to use.
- This is mainly for editing text-based pages with the additional images inserted.
- Classic editor is the default editor for all editors. You can switch to block editor when necessary, especially to add design elements.
* Switch Editor
- You can switch to the block editor from the classic editor, and vice versa
- Click “Switch to block editor” on the bottom of the right-hand from the classic editor menu.
- Click the 3 dots menu on the top right-hand from the block editor. Then you will see “Switch to the classic editor”.
- Classic editor is more convenient for text-based posts or pages.
- Block editor is more convenient for layout and fancy design.
Add New Post
- Click the “New” menu on the top left corner.
- From the drop-down menu, select “Post” or “Page”
- You will see the classic editor form.
Publish New Post
- 1) Add Title
- 2) Select editing mode; visual for WYSIWIG, text for HTML(if you are capable)
- 3) Edit the content of your post
- 4) Click “Add media”, if you want to insert an image or files.
- 5) Select a category to which your article belongs.
- 6) Don’t forget to click the “Publish” button.
- * Do not touch other taps on the right-hand side, if you do not have a good knowledge.
Edit or Modify
- If you need to change the published page or post you currently view, click the “Edit Page” Menu.
- You will see the editor page and make the necessary modifications.
- Again, do not forget to click the “Update” button on the top right.
Horizontal Menu
- The horizontal menu is very convenient to navigate the sections of the page.
- It shows all menus at a glance. Visitors can easily select the section of the page.
- Each button links to its own content
Left Vertical Menu
- On each button menu, we have a vertical sub-menu on the left-hand side.
- This menu is defined by the web designer or administrator
- It has its own sub-menu indicated by the down arrow mark. Visitors go to the selected page directly from the drop-down menu.
Newsletter System
- A Newsletter system is provided on this site.
- Visitors can subscribe to the newsletter by the subscription form under the “Subscribe” menu at “About THAT”.
- A subscription request is sent to the staff in charge.
Currently, set to “”. - Welcome/Thanks message is sent automatically to the applicant.
- The subscriber list is maintained with the new subscriber.
- Not likely ordinary visitors, the site management team including Editor’s role can access the backdoor, where you can cook and manage the scheme of the site.
- You can see the dashboard button under THAT logo.
- You will see the dashboard menu and find the “Newsletter” menu.
- Under the “Newsletter” menu you will find two sub-menus, i.e. Newsletter: Edit newsletter and send to subscribers
Subscribers: Manage subscriber’s list
Publish Newsletter
- Editors can manage the newsletter and edit a new one on the dashboard.
- After finishing a newsletter, you can send emails to all subscribers at once.
Edit Table
- We have many tables for IC models to display features, specifications, pricing, and other information.
- Currently, Gutenberg supports simple tables but does not fully support the complicated tables we are using.
- Tables are made of HTML coding and you need a fundamental knowledge of HTML to edit tables.
- But all tables are already made and if you need to edit or modify a certain part of the table, such as price and figure,
you can do it with the classic editor.
- If you want to change a price in the table, for example, the price of 1510, you click “edit page” from the top bar of the page.
- Select the tab “Packaging/Pricing/Samples”. You will see the classic editor form. Let’s say you want to change the price from $2.81 to $3.81.
- You can simply correct the figure to $3.81 and click the “update” button.